Sonia Nunn, NP&RC
Sonia Nunn, Norfolk Pregnancy & Resource Centre
November 30, 2020
Story by: C. Richard Campbell
Parenting is a challenge even when you have loving parents (future babysitters) and family support. It is a "learn on the job" experience. It can be an especially hard experience if you are alone, have no financial resources  and have personal problems.
Sonia Nunn via Zoom of the Norfolk Pregnancy & Resource Centre in Simcoe told the Club about the services and support it offers to mothers and fathers that need help being parents. A number have no role model growing-up and may suffer from addiction problems. 
In addition to "parenting" help, the Centre provides grief counseling to parents dealing with infant death or having the Children's Aid Society remove the child or children permanently from the family. 
One surprising statistic is that the Centre's clients are not primarily teenage women but adults in their twenties and thirties.
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For more information on the programs and services of the Norfolk Pregnancy & Resource Centre , visit their website at . You may just want to Volunteer or make a donation.