The Rotary Day of Action is now an annual event. This year Rotary International has undertaken the Great Lakes Watershed Clean-up. For more information, visit https://rotary7090.org/stories/great-lakes-watershed-cleanup .The three Norfolk County Rotary Clubs of Delhi, Norfolk-Sunrise and Simcoe are jointly participating in garbage clean-up on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
April 22, 2021 is Earth Day with the Restore Our Earth theme. To learn more about Earth Day, click this link https://www.earthday.org/
Volunteers and family members are welcome to join the Rotary clean-up. There is a choice of areas of Norfolk County to clean-up. They are:
- Lynn River, Argyle Street, Simcoe
- Lions Park, 75 Davis Street East, Simcoe
- Silver Lake, Port Dover
- Turkey Point Beach, Turkey Point
Anyone including Simcoe Rotarians who wants to participate, register using the Club's e-mail address at simcoe.rotary.club@gmail.com . Please indicate location preference. Along with your name and how you want us to communicate with you. It is important that the Club has the name of every participant and how it can communicate with each one. It is also important that once you registered, you attend the clean-up. The Club is counting on you.
Simcoe Rotarians, site coordinators are needed. Indicate in your e-mail if you will be a coordinator. Try your best not to leave registering to the last minute. The organizers need time get the clean-up organized. Whatever COVID-19 regulations that are in effect on April 24, 2021 will have to be complied with. Simcoe Rotarians want every participant to be as healthy the day after April 24, 2021 as the day before and of course feeling good about cleaning up the environment.

Lynn River, Argyle, Street, Simcoe

Lions Park, 75 Davis Street East, Simcoe

Silver Lake, Port Dover

Turkey Point Beach, Turkey Point