Join Us!
Rotarians are Life-changers!
They may live next door, work alongside you, volunteer at the local food bank or your children’s school, attend your church or golf at the local golf course. They are leaders in the community and world citizens.
If you are a Norfolk resident, the chances are that you:
- were born in Norfolk General Hospital, a hospital that has been supported by Rotary almost since its beginning
- skated, swam, played hockey in a Rotary-supported recreation facility
- played team-sports in a sports field or soccer pitch or walked in the downtown Rotary park walkway with Rotary invested dollars
- been educated in public schools, or in facilities such as Simcoe Composite School with Rotary involvement in the Computer Lab and the new Gymnasium, band instruments, scholarships and Fanshawe College
- heard of the Norfolk Music Festival, Simcoe Rotary was one of the original sponsors of the Norfolk Music Festival and continues it’s support
- attended the Simcoe Friendship festival/Lynn River Music and Arts Festival during the period 2005-2016 when the Club was manager and organizer of the event
- visited Eva Brook Donly Museum or the Norfolk Arts Centre
- have a school breakfast or snack financed by Simcoe Rotary
- may have needed help learning to read or speak English with the assistance of Rotary
Well you get the idea. Since 1925, The Rotary Club of Simcoe has been a major contributor in Simcoe and Norfolk County.
It doesn’t stop there! While we are proud Canadians, we are also citizens of the world. The Club has:
- since 1967, participating in the Youth Study Exchange program by hosting and sponsoring hundreds of teenagers to and from every habitable continent in the world
- contributed to the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto
- contributed and been involved with Crippled Children, now known as Easter Seals
- on-going purchaser of ShelterBoxes around the world
- helped with disasters here in Canada with a contribution to the Canadian Red Cross
- supported a transport vehicle, an orphanage and health care in Africa as well as Doctors Without Borders during the Ebola crisis
- contributed to Operation Eyesight in India
- provided wells and latrines in Haiti
- provided leadership and financing in the amount of approximately $400,000 for school supplies in Jamaica
- contributed to organizations that provide education, health care in Central America for adults, pregnant women and the new-born
But the project that Simcoe Rotarians are committed to and dedicated to achieving with Rotary 's world-wide clubs is the eradication of polio. How many service organizations or governments are capable of doing this or even attempting to do this?

Are you ready to make a difference in Simcoe, Norfolk County and the communities around the world?
Rotarians change lives!
They are the men or women next-door that fundraise, have fun doing it and contribute to worthy causes. Friendships are built in the service to others and sometimes last a lifetime!
Are you interested? Want to make a difference here at home and out there in the world? Then join us! The Rotary Club of Simcoe offers Active, Corporate and Family memberships. In addition there is a Friend of Rotary designation that can lead to an Active membership.
To be eligible to be a member of The rotary Club of Simcoe you must reside or work in Norfolk County and be approved by the Club for membership.
To download a membership application click here https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000000306/en-ca/files/homepage/new-member-application-2023/new-member-application-20230130-.pdf
E-mail us or write us at the address below. You can always speak to a Rotarian. If he or she invites you to lunch, you are welcome.
We meet most Mondays except holidays or special events at 12:00 noon via Zoom during this Covid-10 crisis.
E-mail: simcoe.rotary.club@gmail.com
Canada Post:
The Rotary Club of Simcoe
Attn: Secretary
P. O. Box 1
Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 4K8